Verbinde die Punkte #403: Das letzte Gefecht (05.06.2020)

Eine aktuelle Presseschau fĂŒr den interessierten Beobachter des globalen Wandels.

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  1. (5) CJTRUTH⭐⭐⭐ auf Twitter: “.@realDonaldTrump got it right again. He said the “virus will then ‘magically’ disappear.” Soros and fake news made it disappear quick.” / Twitter
  2. (5) Charlie Kirk auf Twitter: “Let me get this straight: Nancy Pelosi won’t let Congress get back to work because of a lack of social distancing 
Yet she’s walking around in massive protests? Why are we still paying her salary if this is how she spends her time? RT!” / Twitter
  3. (5) yesi auf Twitter: “SATANISTS JOINING THE MOVEMENT” / Twitter
  4. (5) JackKabey auf Twitter: “Lammfromm” / Twitter
  5. (5) taylor auf Twitter: “IM DRIVING DOWN HOLLYWOOD BLVD AND THEY ARE JUST WAITING! This is so scary please try and tell me the us isn’t waging war on its people because that’s exactly what’s happening” / Twitter
  6. (5) Q Army STORM-trooper ⭐⭐⭐ auf Twitter: “***** EYES ON **** The last several days of ANTIFA attacks against the White House and other targets in Washington DC and this photo of military police standing on the steps of the Lincoln memorial reminded me of something very important. A news article from July 2019. #QAnon” / Twitter
  7. (5) Elyse auf Twitter: “Brick Pallets being dropped off for Rioters/ Antifa by ACME BRICK COMPANY Owned by Berkshire Hathaway & Bill Gates (who recently left the board) & The Chicago Marmon Group founded by JAY & ROBERT PRITZKER & Berkshire Hathaway #RabbitHole #Antifa #Riots #Planned #Agenda #Hoax” / Twitter
  8. (5) Breaking911 auf Twitter: “Looting continues for the 8th consecutive night in NYC @AdamMilstein” / Twitter
  9. (5) BasedPoland auf Twitter: “NYPD police officers have to fight alone out on the streets with looters all night. Where is the #NationalGuard? How many officers will end up like #DavidDorn because of the political correctness, arrogant and inaction by our political and media elite?” / Twitter
  10. (5) Ian Miles Cheong auf Twitter: ““All over some TVs.” 77-year-old St. Louis retired Police Captain David Dorn was shot dead by looters when he tried to get them to stop looting a local pawn shop.” / Twitter
  11. (5) Jack Dawkins auf Twitter: “Kneeling for them one minute. Attacked by them the next. Moral of the story. Never feed the crocodile.” / Twitter
  12. (5) Gehtaufkeksen auf Twitter: “Bist du Ladenbesitzer in einer dieser GroßstĂ€dte? Dann solltest du ernsthaft darĂŒber nachdenken, schon am 05.06 zu schließen und die Ware wegzuschaffen
 Die fangen mit Grund um 14 Uhr an
. dann kocht die Stimmung wenn es Nacht wird.” / Twitter
  13. (5) Donald J. Trump auf Twitter: “If you watch Fake News @CNN or MSDNC, you would think that the killers, terrorists, arsonists, anarchists, thugs, hoodlums, looters, ANTIFA & others, would be the nicest, kindest most wonderful people in the Whole Wide World. No, they are what they are – very bad for our Country!” / Twitter
  14. Rosenstein testifies he would not have signed FISA warrant for Trump aide if he knew of problems | Fox News
  15. Getöteter Afroamerikaner Floyd war mit Coronavirus infiziert – Sputnik Deutschland
  16. What George Floyd Protests Mean for the Coronavirus Pandemic – The Atlantic
  17. Tear Gas Used in George Floyd Protests Could Lead to New Coronavirus Wave – The New York Times
  18. Media Falsely Claimed Violent Riots Were Peaceful And That Tear Gas Was Used Against Rioters
  19. Nancy Pelosi Admits to MSNBC: ‘Maybe They Didn’t Have Tear Gas’
  20. Cuomo: Protesters have ‘civic duty’ to get virus tested – ABC News
  21. US riots news: Trump warned George Floyd riots to kindle second COVID-19 wave | World | News |
  22. INSURRECTION: Pallets of bricks are being pre-staged in flashpoint cities across the country
  23. Criminal Gangs Who Ransacked NYC Arrived In Chauffeured Cars, Used Power Tools, Witnesses Say | Zero Hedge
  24. Man dies trying to blow up ATM amid Philadelphia protests
  25. Georgetown doctor, Air Force colonel, says he was attacked by looters – Air Force – Stripes
  26. Texas Man Wanted to ‘Off Racists and MAGA People’ at George Floyd Protest, Say Feds
  27. Black Lives Matter Thug Forces White Woman to Get on Her Knees and Apologize For Her “White Privilege” (VIDEO)
  28. New York: Polizist wĂ€hrend Ausgangssperre angefahren und schwer verletzt – Verantwortlicher flieht — RT Deutsch
  29. PlĂŒnderer ermorden afroamerikanischen Polizisten –
  30. StÀdte brennen, aber niemand wagt, es als kommunistischen Aufstand zu bezeichnen
  31. FBI entlastet Antifa und nimmt Rechtsextremisten ins Visier –
  32. Minnesota officials believe white supremacists attending demonstrations in Twin Cities, official says | TheHill
  33. Idaho Town Taken Over By Armed ‘Patriot’ Patrols Amid Rumors Antifa Headed There | Zero Hedge
  34. Behörden sehen Beweise organisierter Gewalt nach Tod von George Floyd
  35. William Barr claims he has evidence Antifa is hijacking George Floyd protests
  36. Antifa arrests coming, concerns over riots heading to suburbia, government source says | Fox News
  37. Antifa members talk eye gouging, ‘destroying your enemy,’ undercover video claims | Fox News
  38. BREAKING: Project Veritas goes undercover to expose the domestic terrorist tactics of antifa | The Post Millennial – News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle
  39. Second Bernie Sanders Staffer Praises Gulags
  40. Sanders staffer says he supports armed revolution, killing the rich – The Jerusalem Post
  41. Sanders Field Organizer Advocates Violent Revolution, Gulags for Trump Supporters, Liberals, in Undercover Videos
  42. WOW! Pelosi and Schumer Issue Statement Attacking President Trump and Defending-Ignoring Violent Leftist Mob
  43. Biden Adviser: Antifa Just ‘A Loose Collection Of People On The Internet,’ Not Terrorists | The Daily Caller
  44. Joe Biden: Eine Rede, wie der PrĂ€sident sie hĂ€tte halten mĂŒssen – WELT
  45. Person der Woche: Donald Trump erleidet den Umfrageschock –
  46. Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations – Washington Times
  47. EXPOSED: Hillary Clinton Moved 800K From Her Campaign To Help Fund ANTIFA
  48. Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Releases All Rioters and Looters from Jail Without Charges Following Monday’s Mass Rioting
  49. There are now 500,000 daily negative tweets about George Soros | The Pittsburgh Jewish chronicle
  50. Mapping anti-racism solidarity protests around the world | George Floyd death | Al Jazeera
  51. Looters hit Thai shops, businesses amid riots
  52. ‘Justice for Eyad, Justice for George’: Protests over killing of unarmed, autistic Palestinian | Middle East Eye
  53. Aborigines protestieren gegen Rassismus in Australien
  54. London: Schwarzer schlĂ€gt Weißen halbtot, „Antifa“ prĂŒgelt mit, Polizei versagt – 1984 – Das Magazin
  55. Reporter wird wĂ€hrend Live-Sendung von Demonstranten angegriffen und verfolgt – Aus aller Welt – FOCUS Online
  56. Gegen Polizeigewalt: Auch in Paris eskalieren Demonstrationen – WELT
  57. Demos gegen Polizeigewalt – Die Bewegung «Black Lives Matter» wird weisser | Tages-Anzeiger
  58. IMAGE 2020-06-04 19:04:43.jpg (960×960)
  59. IMAGE 2020-06-04 19:04:20.jpg (1200×979)
  60. Bericht: Warum „White Lives Matter“ rassistisch ist –
  61. Churches burned and vandalized in riots
  62. A look at damage inside historic St. John’s Church in Washington, DC
  63. Trump’s Bible photo op splits white evangelical loyalists into two camps | US news | The Guardian
  64. Trump offers ‘domination’ of D.C. protests as model for states –
  65. White House Says Trump Prepared to Invoke Insurrection Act   | Voice of America – English
  66. Pentagon schickt 1600 MilitĂ€rs in die Region um Washington – Sputnik Deutschland
  67. Tiananmen Can Happen in United States
  68. Einsatz im Inneren: Das Unbehagen des US-MilitĂ€rs – WELT
  69. Donald Trump Insurrection Act talk spurs calls for military defiance – Washington Times
  70. US defence chief opposes use of military to quell unrest | USA News | Al Jazeera
  71. ‘We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership’: Mattis tears into Trump – CNNPolitics
  72. Guy Benson: ‘A disconnect’ is emerging between some elites and majority of Americans | Fox News
  73. Alle lebenden Ex-PrĂ€sidenten verurteilen Rassismus – und kritisieren Trump |
  74. Gegen Trump: George W. Bush beklagt systemischen Rassismus
  75. Trump ist der Krise mental nicht gewachsen – Kanadas Trudeau reagiert richtig – FOCUS Online
  76. Zusammenhalt in Krawall-Ruinen: Teile Minneapolis’ liegen in Schutt und Asche –
  77. USA: Radikale plĂŒndern und morden – Polizeikommissar: “Sie ĂŒbergießen Beamte mit Benzin – Was geht hier vor?”
  78. All four Minneapolis police officers charged in George Floyd death – The Jerusalem Post
  79. George Floyd had ‘violent criminal history’: Minneapolis union chief
  80. Nachhilfe fĂŒr Linke: Bruder von George Floyd verurteilt “Antifa”
  81. USA: George Floyd und der Killer-Cop waren Arbeitskollegen *** BILDplus Inhalt *** – Politik Ausland –
  82. Trumpâ€Čs â€Čantifaâ€Č accusations spark debate in Germany, the movementâ€Čs birthplace | Germany| News and in-depth reporting from Berlin and beyond | DW | 03.06.2020
  83. Über 80 Jahre Antifa: Bis heute wirkt ihr kommunistisches Erbe
  84. “Die Antifa”, die es angeblich nicht gibt, wird vom BMFSFJ gefördert – ScienceFiles
  85. Maas bei Maischberger: „Es ist relativ einfach, Grenzen zu schließen, sie wieder zu öffnen, ist deutlich schwieriger“
  86. Brandstiftung, Totschlag, PlĂŒnderungen, Hetzjagden in den USA: Deutsche Linksmedien sehen „friedliche Proteste“ â€ș Jouwatch
  87. DFB: Kein Verfahren wegen Protestaktionen – Sport –
  88. DFB-Direktor: Bierhoff warnt vor Verschwörungstheorien: Â«Wachsam sein» – Nationalmannschaft – WestfĂ€lische Nachrichten
  89. Rassismus “entlernen”: GrĂŒnen-Politikerin fordert intensivere Bildungsarbeit
  90. Wieviel Geld die Bundesregierung fĂŒr bestimmte NGOs zahlt
  91. Berlin will Deeskalationsgebot bei Demos gesetzlich festschreiben
  92. Der Tag: Berlin bekommt ein Antidiskriminierungsgesetz –
  93. Gewalt gegen Polizei und Retter in Bayern nimmt weiter zu | BR24
  94. Herrmann verurteilt brutalen Polizeieinsatz gegen Floyd
  95. Maas kritisiert Trump fĂŒr geplanten MilitĂ€reinsatz – JUNGE FREIHEIT
  96. (1) „Trump muss um Vergebung bitten“
  97. (1) Nach RĂŒcktritt von Richard Grenell: Robin Quinville wird neue Chefin der US-Botschaft – Berlin – Tagesspiegel
  98. (1) EisbĂ€ren-Profi schießt daneben: Berliner Eishockey-Spieler dankt Donald Trump fĂŒr Kampf gegen die Antifa – Sport – Tagesspiegel
  99. Trump tritt an, Leben und Eigentum der Amerikaner zu verteidigen
  100. Mass Protests Across The U.S. Have No Impact On Stocks—What Gives?