Eine aktuelle Presseschau für den interessierten Beobachter des globalen Wandels.
Trump: “Die Pandemie ist bald vorbei” | Nachrichten.at
“Leute haben es satt” – Trump verspricht baldiges Ende der Pandemie | kurier.at
Trump nennt US-Top-Immunologen Fauci „eine Katastrophe“
Trump attack’s Biden for wanting to listen to Dr. Fauci on the Covid-19 response – Vox
Trump Calls CNN ‘Dumb Bastards’ For Frequently Covering Covid-19 News
Twitter Is Nuking Retweets Until After The Election
Trump slams Facebook, Twitter as ‘third arm’ of the Democratic party – Finance Rewind
USA verklagen Google: Justiz denkt laut über Zerschlagung nach – Berliner Morgenpost
Google: From ‘don’t be evil’ to target of DOJ antitrust lawsuit | US & Canada News | Al Jazeera
Justice Department Sues Monopolist Google For Violating Antitrust Laws | OPA | Department of Justice
Wegen Corona: Google Maps bekommt praktische Funktion – CHIP
Thailand’s government wants Telegram blocked. Good luck with that. | Coconuts Bangkok
US-Wahl: Trump-Nichte – „Behandelt Donald nicht, als sei er normal“ – WELT
Trump campaign says Gretchen Whitmer is trying to get Trump assassinated | Daily Mail Online
Secret Service may forcibly remove Trump if he won’t leave White House | Metro News
Zweites und letztes Fernsehduell zwischen Trump und Biden vor der Wahl
Trump aims to challenge Biden on son’s emails, corruption claims at final debate | WCHS
Trump will bring up Biden’s ties to Ukraine at debate, adviser says
Voters Prefer Biden Over Trump on Almost All Major Issues, Poll Shows – The New York Times
Admiral from bin Laden raid endorses Biden in dramatic fashion
Wahlen USA: Warum Biden bessere Siegeschancen hat als Clinton
Obama to campaign for Biden with Pennsylvania drive-in rally
“Russische Hacker” statt Biden und Burisma: US-Medien finden zur alten Form zurück — RT Deutsch
Kommentar zur US-Wahl – Trump kämpft nicht nur gegen Biden – Politik Ausland – Bild.de
Ratcliffe says there ‘should be’ more Durham probe indictments | Fox News
Trump: AG Barr Must ‘Act Fast’ on Allegations Against Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden’s hard drive: Everything we know about the weird, shady October surprise.
DNC Scrambles To Hide ‘Pedo Ring’ Evidence From Wasserman Schultz Laptop
Photo shows Joe Biden meeting Hunter’s alleged business partner from Kazakhstan
Joe Biden kisses granddaughter on lips during Iowa rally
Did Hunter Biden Plan To EXPOSE Joe Biden Before The Election???
Rätselhafter Laptop: Hunter Biden wollte uns etwas mitteilen
Donald Trump oder Joe Biden? Lange Schlangen bei früher Stimmabgabe für US-Wahl – DER SPIEGEL
Who was the last President to run… | Trivia Answers | QuizzClub
Maryland Man Arrested for Allegedly Threatening to Kidnap, Kill Biden and Harris – Breaking911
US-Wahl-Unstimmigkeit: Bis jetzt 1,8 Millionen „Phantomwähler“ in 29 Bundesstaaten registriert
US election polls 2020: Trump’s surprising performance with Latino voters | The Independent
Ice Cube and 50 Cent among celebs voting for Donald Trump at 2020 election
Pollster says ‘hidden shy voters’ will assure Trump win
Donald Trump is the QAnon president. And he’s proud of it | Donald Trump | The Guardian
Der Verschwörungspräsident: Trump, QAnon und die großen Mythen | BR24
QAnon Halloween costumes are still available on Amazon – Business Insider
17 Kansas courts move to new case management system
Strongest Earthquake in 17 Years – Iceland Monitor
Alaska earthquake: 7.5-magnitude tremor prompts tsunami fears | The Independent
Arizona COVID-19 Oct. 21 update: 975 new cases, 17 new known deaths
Man charged in 17 armed robberies in 30 days across Cleveland, suburbs – cleveland.com
Mehr als 170 Festnahmen: Schlag gegen Kriminelle im Darknet | tagesschau.de
Deutschland: 170 Millionen Euro Entwicklungshilfe für Afghanistan
Donald Trump: Wahlkampfteam soll 170 Millionen Dollar gewaschen haben | Politik
Covid-19: More than 1,700 new cases in North-East and North Yorkshire | The Northern Echo
Coffee County crosses over 1,700 cases | Coronavirus News | tullahomanews.com
Williamson County surpasses 1,700 cases of COVID-19
54 more coronavirus deaths, 1700 new cases, reported in Florida
New COVID-19 cases in PH fall below 1,700 | Inquirer News
17,000 absentee ballots requested in Tuscarawas County
17,000 absentee ballots requested in Newton County – The Covington News
PTF has trained 17,000 health workers to tackle COVID-19 – Official [ARTICLE] – Pulse Nigeria
COVID-19 death toll nears 17,000 in California – Los Angeles Times
COVID-19 deaths in South Africa exceed 17,000
Covid-19: 17,000 new cases recorded in UK as death toll rises by 67 | ITV News
Coronavirus: nearly 17,000 new cases in 24 hours in France
RTL Today – Nearly 17,000 in 24 hours: Spain becomes first EU nation with one million virus cases
Erste Corona-Welle: Fast 170000 mehr Tote als üblich in der EU | PZ – Pharmazeutische Zeitung
AC-130 Gunship Lights up the Night | Military.com
“An international scandal”: Chomsky calls out Australia over Assange treatment – The Big Smoke
Julian Assange case ‘politicised’, says whistleblower’s lawyer | United Kingdom News | Al Jazeera
Pompeo leading the charge against Julian Assange, says lawyer
Senate Republicans To Propose Constitutional Amendment Banning ‘Court-Packing’
Premiere für “USA Today”: Größte US-Zeitung stellt sich gegen Trump – n-tv.de
Ex-UK ambassador probed over alleged fling with CNN reporter
Judge orders speedy release of Ghislaine Maxwell transcripts | US & Canada | Al Jazeera
Ghislaine Maxwell sex life to be made public after socialite loses legal battle – Mirror Online
What’s in Ghislaine Maxwell’s Soon-to-Be-Released Jeffrey Epstein Deposition? | Vanity Fair
Tekashi 6ix9ine Sued Over 2015 Underage Sexual Video Case
“Ehe war die Hölle”: Lady Di “hasste” Prinz Charles auf Anhieb – n-tv.de
Brigitte Macron goes into coronavirus quarantine – POLITICO
Kein Wahlkampf für Ehemann: Melania Trump sagt Auftritt wegen Husten ab – n-tv.de
Schweizer bezeichnen Rogan als größten Corona-Deppen der Welt
Video: “The Big Lebowski” Jeff Bridges an Lymphdrüsenkrebs erkrankt | STERN.de
John Travolta trauert um seinen Neffen Sam (†52)
Tod durch Krebs – Robert Redford trauert um seinen Sohn | Basler Zeitung
Spencer Davis, bandleader with the Spencer Davis Group, dies aged 81 | Music | The Guardian
“Café del Mar”-DJ seit 1991: Ibiza-Legende José Padilla gestorben – n-tv.de
Phil Collins’ ex-wife has allegedly taken over his mansion with armed guards | Boing Boing
Feuer in Villa gelegt: Ermittlungen gegen Rapper Bushido – Berliner Morgenpost
Meistgesuchter Mafia-Boss Italiens zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt
Trump set to remove Sudan from state sponsors of terrorism list – BBC News
Trump wants US troops out of Somalia: report
Militants free 900 inmates and terrorists from DR Congo prison – World – TASS
Son of Iraq refugee takes office as migration and asylum minister in Belgium – Middle East Monitor
Durch Khashoggi-Verlobte in USA: Saudischer Kronprinz wird verklagt – n-tv.de
Israel und VAE beschließen Visumfreiheit – Sputnik Deutschland
UAE wants to exchange embassies with Israel ‘as soon as possible’ — RT World News
Trump Administration to Host Armenia-Azerbaijan Talks
Nuclear arms treaty: Hopes rise for breakthrough on US-Russia deal – BBC News
Russische Beatmungsapparate in USA entsorgt – Behörde gibt Bestätigung – Sputnik Deutschland
„Bewahrung von deutsch-russischen Beziehungen derzeit wichtig“ – Gorbatschow – Sputnik Deutschland
Alternative zum Bargeld – Russland erwägt Einführung des digitalen Rubels — RT Deutsch
EZB: Braucht Europa einen digitalen Euro?
PayPal to allow cryptocurrency buying, selling and shopping on its network | Reuters
Goldman Sachs to pay DOJ $2 billion for Malaysian corruption scheme
Handelskrieg: China schuldet Amerika über eine Billion Dollar – WELT
Donald Trump besitzt chinesisches Bankkonto – DER SPIEGEL
Food Shortages Hit China: There Is “Not…Enough Fresh Food To Go Around” | Zero Hedge
Nun auch Schweden: Ausschluss von Huawei und ZTE beim 5G-Ausbau – Ericsson und Nokia nutzen
Alibaba’s Ma steps down as industry faces uncertainty
In China ist die zweite Welle der Corona-Pandemie ausgeblieben
Do we need a COVID-19 video game? How about 51 games? – Los Angeles Times
Unicef: 520 Millionen Spritzen für mögliche Corona-Impfung – Panorama – SZ.de
Slowakische Regierung will fast das ganze Volk auf Corona testen | 20.10.20 | finanzen.at
Britain to pursue first COVID-19 human challenge trials – UPI.com
Coronavirus: Oxford-Impfstoff steht in Europa vor der Überprüfung | kurier.at
UK to EU: ‘Treat Britain as a sovereign state’ – EasternEye
An Incoming Asteroid Isn’t The Only ‘Omen’ Close To The U.S. Presidential Election
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft successfully taps an asteroid in attempt to grab a sample – The Verge
Elon Musk reveals Mars ‘acid test’ for planet to be entirely self sufficient | The Independent
Elon Musk’s Mars rocket ready for 15km flight after test success | The Independent
Demi Lovato Says She Contacted Aliens in Instagram Post
Miley Cyrus left shaken after being ‘chased by aliens in a flying yellow snowplough’ – Mirror Online
Die älteste Katze der Welt: 2000 Jahre alte Erdzeichnung einer Katze in Peru entdeckt — RT Deutsch
Secret of Viktor Grebennikov Anti-Gravity Revealed – Ancient Colony