Eine aktuelle Presseschau für den interessierten Beobachter des globalen Wandels.
- Video: Polizei-Razzia bei Youtuber live ins Internet übertragen – deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de
- (19) Jack Flynn #TRUMPWON auf Twitter: “Is this coming to our America next? Be aware and prepare.” / Twitter
- (18) Kayleigh McEnany auf Twitter: “WATCH: German anti-COVID Lockdown protesters make their voices heard as they’re met with water cannons. The CURE cannot be worse than the PROBLEM https://t.co/QceobLp7yx” / Twitter
- (28) Frauke smiles auf Twitter: “Demos wegen Verstößen gegen Maskenpflicht auflösen und aus einer Flasche saufen. Jungs, Jungs…” / Twitter
- Proteste gegen Corona-Politik in Berlin: Polizeipräsidentin warnt vor zunehmender Brutalität
- Attacken gegen die AfD im Bundestag – Politik – SZ.de
- Neues Infektionsschutzgesetz kann in Kraft treten – Wer stimmte wie ab?
- (686) CIT 2020 – Kulmbach – Das Recht, ein Anwalt und, de jure, das Ende der Pandemie! – YouTube
- Wie in Russland über die Demonstration in Berlin berichtet wurde | Anti-Spiegel
- (18) oriJONal auf Twitter: “ GERMAN RAID CONFIRMED Trump Recount Committee staffer confirms raw voting data has been recovered from Dominion servers in Germany. “What will come out is going to shake the globalists to their core.” (Posting separate so video shows) https://t.co/9qwhynIr6q” / Twitter
- Frankfurt: Brand in Umspannwerk – Tausende Menschen zeitweise ohne Strom | Frankfurt
- Stromausfall legte zwei Bezirke in Wien komplett lahm – Leser | heute.at
- Wieder 100-Kilo-Fliegerbombe in Wien entdeckt
- Die größte Razzia der Berliner Geschichte fast ohne Berliner – B.Z. Berlin
- Bankrupt Spanish company Scytl helped rig Biden’s election “win” – NaturalNews.com
- (18) Major Patriot auf Twitter: “LOGICAL THINKING: Sidney Powell says servers were picked up in Germany, but doesn’t know if it was by “good guys for bad guys”. Dominion Executives are now nowhere to be found and have “moved their offices”. What does that tell you?” / Twitter
- Sidney Powell calls on Dominion Voting Systems Employees to Step Forward – Speak Out on their Fraud! (VIDEO)
- BOOM! SIDNEY POWELL DROPS MOAB! “An Algorithm Was Plugged In to Take a Certain Number of Votes from President Trump and Flip Them to Joe Biden!” (VIDEO)
- (18) Marty Blartfast auf Twitter: “@ScottAdamsSays One thing said by Sidney Powell that I think people missed: “We have the algorithm.”” / Twitter
- (18) Make America Great Again! auf Twitter: “80,000,000+ VOTES! WE THE PEOPLE BROKE THE ALGORITHM!” / Twitter
- „Nationale Verschwörung, Wahlbetrug“: Trumps Anwalt Giuliani verstört mit bizarrem Auftritt – Politik – Tagesspiegel
- Interview: Obama im Gespräch mit Lanz – Teil 1 – ZDFheute
- Obama compares Trump to dictator who suppresses journalists, after his own admin targeted reporters | Fox News
- Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis unloads on media during fiery news conference: ‘Your opinion doesn’t matter’ | Fox News
- Giuliani Alleges a Vast International Conspiracy to Steal the Election From Trump – Mother Jones
- Giuliani, flailing, says Venezuela, Clinton and Soros hatched ‘centralized plan’ to steal election for Biden
- Whistleblower: Smartmatic-Software hat Wahlergebnisse in Venezuela manipuliert
- Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was Participating in Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump Online | The Spectator | Truth Conquers All
- (18) Emerald Robinson auf Twitter: “Dominion Voting Systems leads you to Smartmatic which leads you to Mark Malloch Brown. Who is he? He’s the best friend of George Soros. No, I’m not kidding. https://t.co/rvvEiemPYu” / Twitter
- Dominic Cummings leaves Downing Street: Boris Johnson’s chief adviser exits – CNN
- Boris Johnson is trapped at home at the worst possible time – CNN
- Boris Johnson, Seen as a Trump Ally, Signals Alignment With Biden – The New York Times
- Fortune 500 CEOs Will Intervene if Biden Isn’t Inaugurated by January 20
- Facebook whistleblower claims the company coordinates its censorship efforts with Twitter and Google
- Kalifornien verhaftet zwei Männer wegen Wahlbetrugs
- Georgia recount confirms Joe Biden victory and finds no widespread fraud after statewide audit – CNNPolitics
- Chair of the Federal Election Commission- Voter Fraud is Happening – The Jewish Voice
- Trump fires agency head who vouched for 2020 vote security
- Acting defense secretary orders top special ops civilian to report directly to him – U.S. – Stripes
- (18) Tom Graham auf Twitter: “Acting Assistant SECDEF Ezra Cohen-Watnick What is that you say about JFK? SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? https://t.co/AR9wZHvmX7” / Twitter
- photo_2020-11-20 10.48.49.jpeg (1080×1099)
- ‘Release the Kraken,’ new catchphrase for unfounded election conspiracy theory, Trends on Twitter | The Seattle Times
- Republikanische Senatoren: Hunter Biden hatte noch mehr Verbindungen zur KP Chinas
- Biden, Harris team ‘very good set of people’: Bill Gates | MENAFN.COM
- (23) Donald J. Trump auf Twitter: “VACCINES ARE COMING FAST!!!” / Twitter
- Trump’s vaccine team will not brief Biden administration: U.S senators
- (20) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus auf Twitter: “A vaccine on its own will not end the #COVID19 pandemic. We will still need to continue: -Surveillance -Testing, isolating & caring for cases -Tracing & quarantining contacts -Engaging communities -Encouraging individuals to be careful #ACTogether #EB147” / Twitter
- ‘Great Reset’ trends on Twitter after Trudeau speech on Covid-19 hints it’s not just a ‘conspiracy theory’ — RT World News
- Mnuchin asks Fed to return $455 billion in unspent COVID-19 emergency funds | TheHill
- Did Mail-in Ballots Secretly Contain Quantum Blockchain Watermarks?
- IWF ließ “Bombe” platzen – und niemand hörte hin
- www.diplomateninterviews.de
- Nächster Halt Gesundheitsunion: Von der Leyen will Länder überwachen und EU-Notstand ausrufen können – Sputnik Deutschland
- Strangers in the night; UFOs, drones or government surveillance?
- Corona: Kommt jetzt der Knallhart-Lockdown, weil Infektions-Zahlen hoch bei weniger Tests? *** BILDplus Inhalt *** – Politik Inland – Bild.de
- Corona-Gipfel: Merkel hat wohl den „Bogen überspannt“ – „Tölpelhafte Vorschläge“ | Politik
- “Ein-Freund-Regel” sorgt für Aufregung | MDR.DE
- Bizarre ARD-Debatte – Müssen wir uns für Kinder jetzt schämen? – Politik Inland – Bild.de
- Corona: Bundestagsabgeordnete ignorieren offenbar Quarantäne-Vorschriften – WELT
- Bei Fahrt durch Essen: Ordnungsamt ohne Masken im Auto | Regional | BILD.de
- Champagner-Laune: Karl Lauterbach verhöhnt Corona-Demonstranten | Nordkurier.de
- „Ökozid“: Merkel sollte in Film wie ein Nazi vor Gericht stehen – Politik Inland – Bild.de
- Nürnberger Prozesse ab 1945: Nazi-Kriegsverbrecher vor Gericht – DER SPIEGEL
- Technische Panne mit Nachrufen: Sender erklärt Queen und viele Stars für tot – n-tv.de
- Alec Baldwin says Trump should be buried in a ‘Nazi graveyard’ in latest rebuke of the president | Fox News
- Trumps neuer Verteidigungsminister: “Alle Kriege müssen enden – Zeit, nach Hause zu gehen” — Puppenspieler — Sott.net
- Palestinians to restart diplomatic relations with Israel | One America News Network
- John Durham probe into origins of Russia investigation is ‘definitely still happening’ | Daily Mail Online
- Sidney Powell: Election fight is ‘the 1775 of our generation and beyond’ – Washington Times
- What was the “shot heard round the world”? – HISTORY
- Events That Led to the Great Awakening
- A Biden Victory Isn’t a Defeat for QAnon – The Atlantic