đź’— Intensive Energien aber groĂźes Entwickungspotential đź’—Aktuelle Schumann Resonanz. 04.02.2024

Shari und Nadja Ehritz

Heute Nachmittag gab es 3x M-Eruptionen neben zahlreichen C-Eruptionen:
17:33 UTC – Sonneneruption
Moderate M1.36 Eruption
16:57 UTC – Sonneneruption
Moderate M1.58 Eruption
12:12 UTC – Sonneneruption
Moderate M1.42 Eruption

Schumann Resonance Graph Live

 Infodaten: https://www.5dearthproject.com/space-weather-tools/?fbclid=IwAR33gdQHTvzniasze2MqvYCGgVQI_Bd6QwUcPV3Ihau6-onY8CbYsMclHeM

Solar Wind Speed:



Solar Wind Alert Level: Moderate

Space Weather News

Solar Activity 24 Hour Summary

Solar activity reached moderate levels due to an M1 flare at 04/1153 UTC from Region 3576 (S16E79, Dac/beta). Region 3576 also produced the majority of the C-class flares. The region appears to be magnetically complex, however limb foreshortening is not allowing for accurate analysis. Region 3575 (S37W44, Dkc/beta-gamma-delta) continued to exhibit growth over the period. The rest of the spotted regions were either stable or slightly decaying. No Earth-directed CMEs were observed in available coronagraph imagery.

Solar Activity Forecast

Solar activity is likely to be moderate with an increasing possibility of M-class flares (R1-R2/Minor-Moderate) over 04-06 Feb, and a slight chance for X-class flares (R3/Strong), mainly due to the flare potential of Regions 3575 and 3576. Energetic Particle



Kp 2: Very Low Geomagnetic Storm In Progress

Latest Flare: M1.1, 2/4/2024

Elevated Solar Conditions

Strongest Solar Flare (last 7 days): M6.8, 1/29/2024

WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction

Solar Proton Event Level

S3 Radiation Storm in Progress!


Higher probability of disruption of satellite operations and increased radiation exposure for astronauts and airline passengers. High levels of protons are currently entering the atmosphere.
